WECMA is working out a Project to assist 80 grass-root groups with seedlings, farm tools and nitrogen-fixing plants to boost the production of stable crops like maize, beans, cassava and rice in the North West Region of Cameroon. We are soliciting partners to enhance this Project.

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Women Ecovillage Change Makers (WECMA) is an association of women created in 2015 and legalised in February 2020 with authorisation number NW/GP/040/20/16586 of 18th February 2020 as Common Initiative Group (CIG) and later converted to Cooperative with Board of Directors on 29th January 2021 with authorisation number 21/011/CMR/38/204/CCA/001008000. WECMA promote women’s social and environmental participation for a sustainable world. WECMA is made of young women who believe in the power of nature and works to empower women and girls while protecting the environment.

WECMA is a women-led organization working to improve on the lives of women and girls while protecting the environment. We are interested in traditional practices that change women’s lives and keep mother-earth healthy. We believe that sustainable development in every community should include women and girls and that poverty can be sent to the museum if women are empowered and supported to take part in community development.

  • WECMA's Mission is to - "Engage women in the promotion of social, economic and environmental justice for a sustainable world".
  • WECMA's Mission is to - "Engage women in the promotion of social, economic and environmental justice for a sustainable world".
  • Promote women conservation practices that protect mother earth;
  • Promote gender balance in socio economic and cultural activities;
  • Promote affordable and reliable and accessible technology that can reduce women’s sufferings;
  • Engage women in the development of local food value chain;
  • Promote the participation of women in decision making processes on sustainable development.